Anthony de Mello was a psychotherapist, Jesuit priest, and author of popular personal development books on spirituality.
Up until his death in 1987, he directed the Sadhana Institute of Pastoral Counseling in Poona, India.
His writings urged people to awaken to their spiritual natures and learn how to pray and fully live.
Anthony de Mello may no longer be with us, but his personal development advice continues to inspire and transform.
In an effort to spread his urgent message of awakening to spirit
he conducted numerous workshops, made CDs and videos, and wrote
books and essays.
He was a gifted writer and eloquent speaker who touched the
hearts of many people around the globe.
You will find that a lot of the books described below are also available as ebooks and audibles.
• "Sadhana, a Way to God: Christian Exercises in
Eastern Form" was published in 1984. In this work, Anthony de Mello offers readers personal development tips complete with exercises designed to increase self-awareness and promote spiritual growth. The exercises are derived from Western and Eastern forms of meditation, spiritual therapies, and human psychology. If you click on this link it will open a new tab/window on where users have given this book 4.5 stars out of 5. Sadhana: A Way to God |
• "One Minute Wisdom"
is a comprehensive
collection of exercises and parables written and published
in 1988. There are over 200 lessons in the book that guide readers toward wisdom,
harmony, and enlightenment. The spiritual teachings are a blend of practices
from the West and East. If you click on the image to the left it will open a new tab/window on, where users have given this book 5 stars out of 5. The book can also be bought as an ebook in the flexible Amazon Kindle format (which works on PC, Mac, Android smartphone & tablet, iPad and iPhone) - to check out the Kindle ebook on, please click this link: One Minute Wisdom |
• "Awareness: The Perils and Opportunities of Reality" was
published in 1990 and is available as a book and Kindle ebook.
This book offers readers personal
development advice on how to know themselves better and live a
more aware life. Unlike traditional self help books that try
to get people to change, this book takes a different approach,
and tries to get people to become aware of their authentic
selves. If you click on the image to the left it will open a new tab/window on, where users have given this book 4.5 stars out of 5. The book can also be bought as an ebook in the flexible Amazon Kindle format (which works on PC, Mac, Android smartphone & tablet, iPad and iPhone) - to check out the Kindle ebook on, please click here: Awareness |
• "The Way to Love: The Last Meditations of
Anthony de Mello" was published in 1992 and is also available
as a book and ebook. It contains 31 meditations on the subject
of love. The personal development advice offered in this book
urges readers to look beyond the illusion of love and realize
that true love is born from spiritual awareness. If you click on the image to the left it will open a new tab/window on, where users have given this book 4.5 stars out of 5. The book can also be bought as an ebook in the flexible Amazon Kindle format (which works on PC, Mac, Android smartphone & tablet, iPad and iPhone) - to check out the Kindle ebook on, please click this link: The Way to Love |
• "Taking
Flight" was published in 1990. In some countries,
this book had the title, "The Prayer of the Frog Vol. 1." This
contains more than 250 stories to be used as meditations for
contemplating a more emriched life based upon spiritual
understanding and self knowledge. If you click on the image to the left it will open a new tab/window on, where users have given this book 5 stars out of 5. The book can also be bought as an ebook in the flexible Amazon Kindle format (which works on PC, Mac, Android smartphone & tablet, iPad and iPhone) - to check out the Kindle ebook on, please click this link: Taking Flight |
• "Heart
of the Enlightened" was published in 1997. This
book is a sequel to "Taking Flight" and in some countries had
the title, "The Prayer of the Frog Vol. 2." This book has
parables, tales, and stories. Each one is a story designed to
teach a spiritual life lesson. If you click on the image to the left it will open a new tab/window on, where users have given this book 5 stars out of 5. The book can also be bought as an ebook in the flexible Amazon Kindle format (which works on PC, Mac, Android smartphone & tablet, iPad and iPhone) - to check out the Kindle ebook on, please click this link: Heart of the Enlightened |
• "Seek God Everywhere:
Reflections on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius"
was published in 2010 and is also available as a Kindle ebook.
This book is based upon the lectures given by Anthony de Mello
before his death. It covers topics such as learning to hear
the Divine, repentance, love, inner growth, and spiritual
awakening. If you click on the image to the left it will open a new tab/window on, where users have given this book 4.5 stars out of 5. The book can also be bought as an ebook in the flexible Amazon Kindle format (which works on PC, Mac, Android smartphone & tablet, iPad and iPhone) - to check out the Kindle ebook on, please click this link: Seek God Everywhere: Reflections on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius |
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