• As I see it, good quotes and sayings are characterized by ...
... Truth
• ... Inspiration
• ... Motivation
• ... Humor & Fun
So that's what you're going to find here!
• If you so desire ... jump to the
list of good quotes & sayings.
Truth, Inspiration, Motivation, Humor & Fun
I love quotes and sayings!
Good ones, that is.
A good quote or saying can not only entertain and brighten
the day, it can do so real quick, because most quotes and sayings aren't very
long. It's like a quick fix of something nice.
Just as much as we see in
others we have in ourselves.~ William Hazlitt ~
I am convinced all of
humanity is born with more gifts than we know. Most are born geniuses and just
get de-geniused rapidly.~ Buckminster Fuller ~
Argue for your
limitations and, sure enough, they're yours.~
Richard Bach ~
comes in cans, not cant's.~
Inspirational saying ~
When I decide if a
quote (or a saying) is 'good' or not there are a few things I check for ...
Good Quotes Contain: Truth
The first and most important thing I look
for in good quotes, quotations, sayings, proverbs, mottos, etc. for is this:
- Does the quote in some way reflect what you might call a higher truth?
What that means is: Is this quote more in line with absolute reality [LINK]
than usual? If it is, I consider it positive and I may write it down for that
reason alone.
You want to be someone, really be someone? Then be
Inspirational saying ~
I would never die for my beliefs
because I might be wrong.~
Bertrand Russell ~
Don't find fault, find
a remedy. ~
Henry Ford ~
Work and play are words used to describe the
same thing under differing conditions.~
Mark Twain ~
The degree of
one's emotions varies inversely with one's knowledge of the facts. ~
Bertrand Russell ~
Good Quotes Contain: Inspiration/Motivation
Another thing I look for in good quotes is this:
- Does the quote inspire
& motivate me, and make me feel good inside?If it's more in line with
absolute reality than average then it probably will make me feel good inside. In
any case inspirational quotes and inspirational sayings are among my favourites.
That goes for motivational quotes and motivational phrases as well, though not
quite to the same extent.

Stop cursing the darkness and start lighting
Motivational saying ~
Chop your own wood, and it will warm
you twice. ~
Henry Ford ~
The best thing about the future is that it
comes only one day at a time.~
Abraham Lincoln ~
The only way to have
a friend is to be one. ~
Ralph Waldo Emerson ~
It's not who you are
that holds you back, it's who you think you're not.~
Motivational saying ~
Good Quotes Contain: Humor & Fun
The third thing I look for in good
quotes is this:
- Is the quote funny? Does it make me smile, chuckle or
even laugh out loud?If it does, then I like it. I love to smile. And
chuckle and laugh. I want a large percentage of my time in this body to be spent
doing just that! :-)
I want to join The National Association of
Procrastinators, but I never seem to get around to it.~
Motivational saying
Procrastination is the greatest labour saving invention of all time.
Motivational saying ~
A positive attitude may not solve all your
problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.~
Albright ~
What would men be without women? Scarce, sir, mighty scarce.
Mark Twain ~
I can resist everything except temptation.~
Wilde ~
Quotes with Both Truth,
Inspiration/Motivation & Humor/Fun
Some quotes, quotations,
sayings, proverbs and mottos actually succeed in combining a
bit of both truth, inspiration and fun:
Age is an issue
of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.
Mark Twain ~
I like persons better than principles,
and I like persons with no principles better than anything
else in the world.~
Oscar Wilde ~
War does not
determine who is right - only who is left. ~
Russell ~
All generalizations are false, including this
one. ~
Mark Twain ~
Yes, I love good quotes.
Consequently I have worked with quotes and sayings for more
than a decade. Every week for years I wrote articles based on
good quotes and sayings for a Danish newspaper.
Recently I decided to create a website based on quotes,
sayings and short funny stuff. Visit
Quotescoop.com to see
what it looks like (so far).
Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why we call it
the present.~
Inspirational saying ~
Quotes by
the Personal Development Guy
Through my work as a
coach/guide in consciousness, teacher and writer I've often
come up with some good quotes myself. Here's an example of a
the Personal Development Guy quote:
Life itself is a
most powerful force. The less beliefs you hold, the more you
experience this. When you 'let go and let life', things become
so easy - like playing.~
Soren Lauritzen ~,
the Personal
Development GuyAnd here's another example of the
Personal Development Guy quotes:
In life you absolutely,
positively cannot fail. You can only live - exist and
experience. If you're drawing breath you're a huge success.
Learning is fun, too, but optional. ~
Soren Lauritzen ~,
the Personal Development GuyHere's a third example of
a quote by the Personal Development Guy:
Yes, your
choices create your experiences.
But if you don't like
your current experience, then just make a new and different
Since life and experience is a matter of
trial-and-error, there's no need to take choosing - or life
itself - too seriously.~
Soren Lauritzen ~,
the Personal
Development Guy

Yep, and here's fourth example:
Life is totally accepting of you; life accepts your every
thought, feeling, need, belief, decision and action. No matter
what, you are accepted by life. There is deep peace and great
joy in this fact. ~
Soren Lauritzen ~,
the Personal
Development GuyAnd, lastly, here's fifth example of
the Personal Development Guy quotes:
Yes, life has a
sense of humor - in fact life IS a sense of humor. The times
when I playfully view myself, everyone else and life itself as
a wonderful cosmic joke are absolutely the best times of my
life. I consciously strive to maximize those times! ~
Soren Lauritzen ~,
the Personal Development Guy
Unquotable Quotes
Sometimes, though, good quotes are 'unquotable'.
In the movie '
Life of Brian' from 1979 by Monty Python there's
a scene where the main character, Brian, is speaking to a
crowd and saying "We're all individuals!" The crowd remains
silent ... except for one person in the back who pipes up,
saying: "I'm not!"
I have remembered this little gem
ever since I saw the movie. It makes you laugh, it makes you
think - twice, or even three times - and it's short. In other
words: It's priceless.
But it has to be
told rather
than quoted. So good quotes can stand alone - they are self
referring and self contained. Just like life itself ... but
that's a story for another time (on this website, of course)
The best gift you can give is a hug: One size
fits all and nobody minds if you return it.~
saying ~
Enough talk. Time to let the quotes, sayings
and quotations speak for themselves!
What follows is a
list of different kinds of good quotes that I have gathered
here on this website. There are links to these quotes
elsewhere (on the page
Love, for instance), but this page
gathers them and gives you access to all of them:
Funny Sex Quotes
Forgiveness Quotes
Best Love Sayings
Cute Love Sayings
Sweet Love Sayings
Short Love Sayings
Funny Love Sayings
Sad Love Sayings
Leadership Quotes
Subject: Inspiration and Motivation
Anthony de Mello Quotes
George Soros Quotes
Brian Tracy Quotes
Dalai Lama Quotes
Ayan Rand Quotes
Brian Tracy Quotes
Dalai Lama Quotes
C S Lewis Quotes
Deepak Chopra Quotes
Dale Carnegie Quotes
Don Miguel Ruiz Quotes
Eckhart Tolle Quotes
Kahlil Gibran Quotes
Leo Buscaglia Quotes
Mahatma Gandhi Quotes
Maya Angelou Quotes
Wayne Dyer Quotes
All of these hand picked by me (you know:
Soren, the Personal Development Guy).
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Inspirational Quotes, Poems and Funny Short Stuff
If you want, you can also get your personal development, spirituality and general wisdom in an ultra light version - or even add your own wisdom to the site. Just go to the other sister of this website at:
- World's Best and YOUR Best Quotes, Poems and Short Funny Stuff
Quotescoop.com is also known as:
This is where you might go for a quick 'fix' of wisdom and humor.
A special treat is that this site has forums for you to present your own wisdom and humor in the form of inspirational short funny quotes, jokes, notes, letters, stories, SMS text messages and poems. Share your wisdom and witticisms with the world!
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Positive Parenting Ally is the parenting equivalent of the Personal Development Guy. This is where you go if you want really deepen your understanding of parenting, empower your kids and make everyday life more easy and joyful.
- Parenting advice for the conscious, open-minded parent!
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Good Quotes
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