You are probably here on this site about personal development for one of three reasons:
a) Something turns you on – so you want more of it (goals)
b) Something is turning you off – so you want to fix it (problems)
c) There is something you want to know or understand (insight)
This website can help you in all three areas.
It's focused on personal development, self help, self improvement and spirituality, both on a philosophical level and on a very practical hands-on everyday level.
How I Can Help You
The primary way I propose to help you with your goals, your problems and your desire for insight is by raising your consciousness. A higher level of awareness makes everything easier.
But I am also going to give you easy to understand how-to-do-its - you know, step by step directions telling you how to proceed with your personal development in practice.
Personal Development Goals, Problems and Insight
So, let's briefly check out some of the subjects that fall under the three headings of goals, problems and insight. Maybe there's something that can help you in your personal development.
First, let's take a look at ...
Some of the Goals
You Might Want to Achieve
- Do you want to feel empowered? Rich? At peace? Happy?
- You want to find your passion(s)?
- Do you want to earn a living in a more satisfying way?
- Do you want to learn how to resolve conflicts?
- Are you trying to create a personal development plan?
- Would you like to learn how to let go (of unpleasant things)?
- Do you want love, maybe even unconditional love?
- Are you searching for spiritual enlightenment?
Well, you can get it, and my goal is to help you with that.
Secondly, let's scan ...
Some of the Problems
You Might Want to Fix
- Is your love relationship (or other relationships) in trouble?
- Are you (or is your partner) jealous?
- Is your sex life not as satisfying as you would like?
- Are you a parent and having a wonderful but sometimes hard time?
- Are you struggling with low self esteem?
- Do you have problems with fear, worry, phobias or anxiety attacks?
- Are you feeling disconnected and lonely?
- Are you feeling depressed?
Well, you can fix it, and I can help you do it.
And last, but not least, let's check out ...
Some of the Insights
You May Want to Get
- Are you looking for the truth?
- Do you want to understand yourself - and life?
- Do you want to know who and what you REALLY are?
- Do you want to know more about feelings, thoughts, beliefs, etc.?
- Do you want to see the big picture - how everything fits together?
- Do you want to know the meaning of life?
Well, so did I. In my personal development quest I found (and am still finding) a lot of answers, and I would love to tell you about them.
The Unique Slant of This Website
This website is focused on personal development, self help, self improvement and spirituality, all with a unique slant:
Everything here is based on
seeing both you and life itself
as a unified whole.
You are a unified whole in and of yourself and in truth there is nothing wrong with you. Life is a unified whole (with you and everybody else included), and there is nothing wrong with life. Really. I promise!
(I know it sometimes feels like lots of things are wrong with life, and maybe with you, too, but that just is NOT true! Happily ...)
As you will see, this perspective is immensely useful. It will help you to better understand just about anything, solve your problems and achieve your goals.
It also happens to be my own personal perspective on life these days.
Meet: The Personal Development Guy
My name is Soren Lauritzen. I live in
Denmark, a small and wonderful country in Northern Europe.
A number of years ago I turned my life upside down by entering a radical process of
personal development and self improvement. It ended up being a process of intense spiritual development, too.
I explored gently at first, and then, when most of the things I tried did not really work, I got increasingly extreme. Along the way I developed my own methods and techniques (incl.
the Let Go Method).
In the end, though, what made the big difference for me was incredibly simple and something that you and everybody else can do, too:
Letting go and surrendering to openness, acceptance and (apparent) defencelessness. Being authentically myself and doing what flows naturally from this.
You can read more
about me and my story here; suffice it to say that in the end I actually got what I wanted:
Insight, inner peace, freedom, ever more unconditional love and an ever increasing feeling of
happiness. Most of my problems have evaporated, and everything is just getting easier and easier.
I now see life as a unified whole. I see myself, you and everybody else as integral parts of this whole. A nice side effect of this is that whatever I do for you, like creating this website and writing books and ebooks, gives me so much pleasure that it feels like I am doing it for myself.
From this vantage point I spent years figuring out how a lot of important things fit together (and putting it to the test with the help of my coaching clients). I created a unique, never-seen-before
Empowerment Theory.
Happily ...
... you do not have to go through what I did, to get what I got!
That's the whole point of this website:
I want you to benefit quickly and easily - in whatever areas you want to - from what I have learned and from what I have become.
Seeing life as a unified whole enables me to help in many unique ways, including teaching, personal coaching [LINK], giving speeches and (getting answers for plus) writing books/ebooks and reports [LINK] and websites like this.
On the side, I still have lots of fun exploring human consciousness, it's just not about achieving anything or getting anywhere anymore. If anything, is about learning how to help other people better.
What to Expect on this Website
I am going to base the bulk of the contents on the personal development subjects where the majority of people need knowledge and have challenges:
Love & Jealousy; Happiness & Inner Peace; Empowerment and Self Empowerment; Intimacy & Making Love (Sex, incl. Tantric Sex); Depression & Anxiety; Work & Stress; Leadership; Goal Setting; Motivation; Needs & Passion; Money & Material Possessions; Understanding Men (What Men Want); Understanding Women (What Women Want); Health & Your Body; Thoughts & Beliefs; Low Self Esteem; Conflict Resolution; Low Self Esteem; Letting Go & Freedom; Spiritual Enlightenment & Absolute Reality; Self Concept / Identity: Who Am I (you)?; Ego & the Enneagram; Energy & Healing; The Meaning of Life, etc.
When you use the navigation buttons on the (top) left and click on a subject, you will be taken to a page which has two functions: To tell you more about the subject, and to guide you further along according to whatever you are particularly interested in.
I want this website to help you gain insight, solve your problems and achieve your goals, so I try to strike a balance between in-depth knowledge (somewhat theoretical) and practical know how.
A Coherent Theory
of Life as a Unified Whole

I used to be one of those guys who has to understand, to KNOW. I guess in some ways I still am. Also, I love fun. That is why I have spent so much time exploring consciousness.
I have the gift of bringing back answers that contain an extraordinary amount of truth, and when I do, I love to see how it all fits together. Therefore, in time, the in depth knowledge on this website will present:
A coherent theory of life as a unified whole.
One of those was a 'must have' for me.
Traditional Western psychology and philosophy has some good points, but it is much too limited to explain life. Traditional Eastern spirituality and philosophy is better at explaining important things about life, but lacks practicality in the modern world.
In a way I am going to marry those two, the East and the West. But not by using either philosophy, no, by using a practical hands-on approach.
The acid test of any theory is whether or not it works in practice. Mine does. In fact, I am writing it based on what works in every day life. My own life and the lives of my clients.
Using this Website
That's easy. To get started, just ask yourself this question:
What do I want to know more about ... maybe because I find it joyful and want more of it ... or because I find it problematic and want to fix?
Let your answer guide you to the place you want to go. Please start by choosing between the menu-buttons on the left.
This site is steadily growing ...
... It grows bigger all the time, but there is still lots to be written. In time it will be filled to the brim with info and articles on ... stress relief, finding inner peace, self-actualization, relationships, love & love tips, work, depression self help, happiness, intimacy, low self esteem, knowledge about the Enneagram and the enneatypes or anything else regarding personal growth, creating a better life or even your best life ever, and more.
In time you will find it all here. Plus freebies like e.g.: free personality quizzes, positive affirmations, free self help ebooks, inspirational quotations, short funny quotes, an example of a personal development plan and free self help audio.
In other words: lots of free articles and information. You may, of course, also want my help directly in the form of my self help ebooks or personal coaching and guidance via email, telephone, Skype or Gmail Videophone.
Feel free to contact me by using the
contact form.
Soon You Can Check Out More
of My Ebooks for Download
My first ebook for download (
Finding Inner Peace by Letting Go) is out now, and I am working on several more, plus some special reports. I will put them all up for sale right here on this website as I finish them.
What You Will NOT Find Here
What you will NOT find on this website is information that is based fear or any particular religious beliefs. This site accepts all religions, but what is presented here is based on experience.
And as for fear based stuff ... well, I know from personal experience that it just makes us stupid! So you'll find absolutely no fear based material here, only lots of self empowerment! :-)
The Personal Development Guy's Self Improvement Ezine (FREE)
Would you like to keep in touch - and get high-level tips and special bonuses? Then please sign up for my self improvement newsletter The Personal Development Guy's Self Improvement Ezine. It is totally FREE.
I LOVE Your Support
If you've found the free personal development content on this website useful, please click the Donate button. Your donation will help me to keep producing free, high-level self improvement information. I am VERY GRATEFUL for your support!
PayPal is one of the largest payment processors on the Internet. When you click the Donation Button, you can make a donation of your choice on an encrypted and secure page.
Thank you very much!
Inspirational Quotes, Poems and Funny Short Stuff
If you want, you can also get your personal development, spirituality and general wisdom in an ultra light version - or even add your own wisdom to the site. Just go to the other sister of this website at:
- World's Best and YOUR Best Quotes, Poems and Short Funny Stuff
Quotescoop.com is also known as:
This is where you might go for a quick 'fix' of wisdom and humor.
A special treat is that this site has forums for you to present your own wisdom and humor in the form of inspirational short funny quotes, jokes, notes, letters, stories, SMS text messages and poems. Share your wisdom and witticisms with the world!
High-Level Positive Parenting Advice and Deep Insights
Positive Parenting Ally is the parenting equivalent of the Personal Development Guy. This is where you go if you want really deepen your understanding of parenting, empower your kids and make everyday life more easy and joyful.
- Parenting advice for the conscious, open-minded parent!
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Personal Development, Self Help, Self Improvement & Spirituality
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