Motivational Words:
Provocative, Fun Motivational Articles, Stories, Sayings & Stuff
- a SHARED Motivational Blog!

• Motivational words:
• Why should motivation (incl. self motivation) be stuffy and boring?
• It shouldn't! Better it should be provocative and fun. Right?
• Make it so!
• SHARE - and READ - provocative, fun motivational words & more.
• Come, join in!
• (Direct jump to 'Shared Motivational Fun & Provocations')
• (Direct jump to the mini-articles I've written to get us started.

Page Concept
This page is a SHARED motivation blog which aims to make it a fun and/or provocative experience to read and share motivational words of all kinds (plus pictures).

(In truth, any kind of motivation and inspiration is welcome, but the positive, funny and/or provocative motivational words are most particularly welcome).

'Shared' blog means that YOU can write posts, too ... and other people can comment on them.

'Fun and/or provocative' simply means that the motivational words shouldn't be boring. (Neither should it be illegal, of course, but that won't be a problem as long as you keep it positive).

The subjects of this page are: motivation, demotivation (incl. demotivators), self improvement, inspiration, personal development, self help and spirituality.

That's it. That's what this page is all about.

The 3 Main Criteria for Content on this Page

1) It has to do with motivation, demotivation, inspiration, self improvement, personal development, self help or spirituality

2) It's valid and useful to the readers of this page (my decision)

3) It's funny and/or provocative (without being illegal)

(SHARE your motivational words, inspirational sayings, demotivational quotes and more !)
Can't wait to share your funny and provocative motivational words & stuff (or read what others have shared)? Then you can jump directly to the input-form. Or, you can jump to the mini-articles I've written to get us started. Otherwise, please just read on ...
(Motivational words, lots of motivational words and self motivation tips for you!)

What to Write About
Within the above mentioned subjects (motivation, demotivation, self improvement, spirituality, etc.) you can write about ANY SUBJECT you like. That includes for example:

Your ... marriage, sex life, husband, wife, children, grandparents, mother-in-law, father-in-law, dog, cat, pet halibut, teacher, job, boss, colleagues, friends, hobbies, habits, beliefs, techniques, methods, advice, quotations, sayings, jokes, experiences, or, even better: Yourself.

Just so long as your motivational words concern personal development, inspiration, motivation, self improvement, self help, transformation and spirituality and what you write will entertain those who read it.

How to Write on This Page
The two main ways to entertain folks reading this page are ... yes, you've guessed it: Fun and provocation.

Fun is what it's all about. Both life in general and personal development. And provocation, too!

Provocation on this page is primarily a means to having fun. Reading provocative statements, ideas and advice is fun. Getting all worked up because someone else has written something provocative is fun. Writing an equally provoking comment is just as fun.

Have your inspiration and motivation fun here. :-)

(SHARE your motivational words, inspirational sayings, demotivational quotes and more !)
Are you all set to share your funny and provocative motivational words & stuff (or read what others have shared)? Then you can jump directly to the input-form. You can also jump to the mini-articles I've written to get us started. Otherwise, please just read on ...
(Motivational words, lots of motivational words and self motivation tips for you!)

SPECIFIC Examples of What You Might Share
- Are you a regular Joe(sephine) whose boss has introduced a new means of 'motivation'? Rave and rant about it here - in a funny and provocative way, of course.

- Are you the boss who has some dark secret method that inspires and motivates people? Reveal it here and provoke all those lazy employees out there.

- Have you got a piece of personal development advice? Share it in a funny and/or provocative way here.

- Do you have some crazy ideas, opinions and beliefs about life, the universe and everything? Let the world know about them right here.

- Did you have a learning experience which was nasty when you lived through it, but which today seems mostly funny? Tell the rest of us about it here.

- Are you the new prophet/saviour/messiah/world leader? Write about it here and see if the rest of the world agrees.

- Are you a member of a radical clan of fanatics? You could try to propagate your insidious views here. But they'll only make it to the website if I consider them funny.

- Did your grandmother pass on some wonderful, perhaps totally outdated or superstitious self help advice and/or home remedy advice to you? Disclose it here.

- Have you written a funny or provocative spiritual short story? Share it with the world here.

- Did you hear or read a couple of exceptionally funny inspirational quotations? Share them here.

- Have you created a demotivational poster? Share your creations (often called: demotivators) here.

- Have you attended a self improvement seminar or listened to a personal development mp3 or other some other kind of self help audio or perhaps watched some spirituality videos and decided that it belongs in the 'world's worst' class of media? Vent your frustration in a funny way here.

- You name it ... as long as it's about personal development, motivation, spirituality, etc. plus fun/provocative you're welcome to share it here.

(SHARE your motivational words, inspirational sayings, demotivational quotes and more !)
If you're ready to share your funny and provocative motivational words & stuff right now (or read what others have shared) you can jump directly to the input-form. Alternatively, you can jump to the mini-articles I've written to get us started. Otherwise, please just read on ...
(Motivational words, lots of motivational words and self motivation tips for you!)

GENERAL examples of What to Share
(- and Lots of Them)

Here are a whole bunch of general examples of what you might find, read and SHARE on this page:

- motivational stories, motivational articles and motivational statements
- motivational phrases, motivational slogans and motivational mottos
- motivational poems and motivational songs
- motivational quotes, motivational sayings and motivational quotations
- motivational speeches and abstracts from motivational books
- motivational ideas, motivational thoughts and motivational theories
- motivational jokes and funny motivational posters
- motivational pictures and motivational posters
- motivational cartoons and motivational videos (YouTube )
- demotivators (funny demotivational posters, anti motivational posters)
- demotivational quotes and demotivational sayings, thoughts & ideas

And if you think that what you'd like to share is more inspirational than motivational, do not worry - share it anyway!

Your inspirational words and pictures are most welcome here, too. That includes, for example:

Humorous and inspirational stories, inspirational articles, inspirational jokes, funny inspirational quotes, inspirational sayings, short inspirational poems, inspirational verses, inspirational phrases, inspirational prayers, inspirational speeches, inspirational ideas, inspirational anecdotes, inspirational songs (or inspirational song lyrics), inspirational pictures, inspirational photos and inspirational videos (YouTube).

In short, any inspirational motivational thoughts, words and pictures you'd like to share, please do it here! :-)

What NOT to Share Here
Don't try to share anything that's illegal to share. That includes, for example, anything that incites to violence; anything that defames or slanders named people or named organizations; and anything that violates a third party's copyright.

Submission for this website are reviewed (and sometimes edited, too). If a submission is deemed 'not fit for publication here', it will not be published. For more info on this, please refer to 'Legalities' below.

(SHARE your motivational words, inspirational sayings, demotivational quotes and more !)
Got to get started now on sharing your funny and provocative motivational words & stuff (or read what others have shared)? Then you can jump directly to the input-form. Or, you can jump to the mini-articles I've written to get us started. Otherwise, please just read on
(Motivational words, lots of motivational words and self motivation tips for you!)

Where to Submit What
While this page is dedicated to sharing funny and provocative motivational words and other stuff to do with spirituality, self improvement and motivation, there are other pages on which are dedicated to sharing other motivation and self improvement resources. You can see them all on the page Shared Blogs: Self Improvement and Motivation at the paragraph 'Where to Submit (or Read) What'.

If you want to share something, but you're unsure where to share it - don't worry. Just share it, and let me sort it out! :-)

Let's Get Started!
I'll get us started by writing a few provocative, fun self improvement and motivation mini-articles right here, on this page. That way you'll not only get the motivational words, etc. you came for, but you'll also have some idea about what's expected, should you choose to participate.

If you by now you just want to jump directly to where you can share funny and provocative self improvement and motivational words (and read what others have shared), go ahead.

Otherwise, please read on:

Provocative, Fun Motivational Words & Inspirational Thoughts

Subject: Live Your Dreams

(Motivational words, copyright Soren Lauritzen,

A Wake Up Call for You
Hey you! Yes, you. Hello. Tell me: What are you doing in your life? Are you doing what you really, really want? Are you living the life of your dreams?


Okay, then, what's stopping you? Sorry, come again, what? Ah! Worries! Nervousness! Fear!

But of course. We're all nervous about, or scared of, or even terrified of all sorts of things, particularly the things we haven't tried before.

But you know what? Your fear isn't real. It's just something you imagine might happen.

That which you worry about or fear is not present in your life right here and now. You're not face to face with it. Because if you were, you would simply do whatever needed to be done. You always have and you always will.

So listen up: Letting worries and fear limit you equals amputating yourself and your life!

It's a Bad Idea. Stop it. Start listening to your heart, following your true desire and realizing your secret dreams.


You already know what your secret dreams are. Maybe you've been trying to ignore them; or suppress them; or even forget them. But you know they are there. So, ask yourself:

What is the first small step, just a baby step towards realizing them?

You know what it is. You're just scared to admit it. Forget that fear. Accept it and then ignore it.

Then take that one baby step. Now! There's absolutely no real reason not to!

Jump directly to 'share your provocative, fun motivation words & stuff' in order to write or read something? Click here.

Provocative, Fun Motivational Words & Inspirational Thoughts

Subject: Larry Winget

(Motivational words, copyright Soren Lauritzen,

Mr. Winget: Master Provocateur
Have you heard of Larry Winget? He calls himself 'the Pitbull of Personal Development' (trademark) and 'the World's Only Irritational Speaker' (trademark). He dresses up in ways some people might find provocative, he talks in a provocative way and he writes just like that, too.

I recently read a book he has written and I'd like to share a short quote from it. The book is called 'Shut Up, Stop Whining & Get a Life', published 2004 (hardcover) by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The following quote is from page 21-22:

"I have already told you one of the reasons you are not successful: You have not been willing to do what it takes. But since I know people do not like just one reason, I am going to give you three more - three I know you will not like at all!

1. You are stupid.
2. You are lazy.
3. You do not give a damn.

(...) The common word in each of these reasons is you. You are the reason your life sucks. In other words, if your life sucks, it is because you suck. It is not because conditions suck. It is you."

As you can see, Mr. Winget is not one to use velvet gloves. Or any other kind of gloves, for that matter, except perhaps boxing gloves. A better bet than boxing gloves, though, would be knuckle irons - figuratively speaking, of course.

While this may sound like a harsh read it actually isn't. It's provocative self improvement and motivation, sure, but it's also an easy and fun read. Larry Winget walks that thin line between fun provocation and annoying patronization with great skill.

Now, I'm not saying that this book contains heaps of timeless, deep wisdom; but it does actually contain truth. And it's pretty sure to shake you up and even make you smile while doing so. That's why I've chosen to mention it on this page, and that's why it might be worth spending your time and money on.

Jump directly to 'share your provocative, fun self improvement and motivation' to write or read? Click here.

Provocative, Fun Motivational Words & Inspirational Thoughts

Subject: Your Life and Dreams (a short continuation from above)

(Motivational words, copyright Soren Lauritzen,

What You Miss Out On
Everything you want to do ...

... but don't quite have the courage to do ...

... or that you can't quite pull yourself together enough to do ...

Those are all the things you miss out on.

If you are like most people, that's a LOT of great, wonderful things.

So, just tell me: How much life do you think you actually have left?

Jump directly to 'share your provocative, fun self improvement and motivation' to write or read? Click here.

Provocative, Fun Motivational Words & Inspirational Thoughts

Subject: Wake Up Call

(Motivational words, copyright Soren Lauritzen,

Are You Asleep?
Are you living your life on autopilot? Are you doing the same things today as you did yesterday, the day before yesterday and the day before that?

Stop it! Wake up!

Do something you've never done before.

Get up before the first birds chirp, or go to bed later than you've ever done before.

Pick a new way to get to work and a completely different one to get back home.

Buy some products you don't usually buy - in a shop where you've never been before.

Register for a course or a seminar on some subject that's entirely new to you.

Listen to a kind of music you've never listened to before.

Talk to strangers you meet - and not just small talk.

Continue to do things you've never done before, big and small. Do it for a week or two.

Feel how you begin to live! Living is awesome!

Jump directly to 'share your Provocative, Fun Self Improvement and Motivation' to write or read? Click here.

Provocative, Fun Motivational Words & Inspirational Thoughts

Subject: Saying 'No'

(Motivational words, copyright Soren Lauritzen,

Have You Said Yes, when You Meant No?
You probably have, because most of us do this, on a regular basis.

What few of us after that is to stand by ourselves!

Try it one of these days when (once again) you have promised too much and said 'yes' although you really meant 'no'.

Go back to the person to whom you said 'yes' and tell him or her that you've reconsidered and changed your mind. Just be honest. There is nothing wrong with changing your mind. We all do that.

You can, of course, explain why, but you don't really have to. The 'why' of your personal decisions is your business, and your business only. If you like, you can say 'I've been taking on too much' or you can simply state 'personal reasons'.

And you know what? When you're being honest and straight forward as you say 'no' the other person will most likely end up feeling more respect for you than before!

And now it's time for the invitation (plus what others have shared). Please share your words of provocative, fun self improvement and motivation.

Share Your Motivational Words (quotes, stories, articles, jokes, ideas, pictures, etc.) with the World!

Do you have a great motivational story, experience, idea, quote, joke, piece of advice, review, link or some other good stuff about motivation? Please share it with the world!

I'd love to receive your self improvement ideas and other great stuff! :-) Just please note these things:

• Mind other people's copyright - submit only original material (unless you are specifically quoting, of course). Checking copyright is your responsibility.

• You will never receive payment for your submission (sorry!).

• You keep the copyright to your material (even after my editing), but I get to publish it, both on this website and elsewhere.

• If you choose the option of submitting your true name and the option of submitting your e-mail (which I will treat confidentially) I will always credit you as the author - and even provide a link to your website, if you have one (put it in your text, e.g. in the end).

• The personal contact information you choose to submit is safe. It will never be shared with or sold to third parties.

• I reserve the right to edit the material you submit (primarily: correct typos & shorten it, if need be. When editing material, I'll never change the opinions expressed, nor the meaning of the content.).

• If you discover YOUR copyright is being violated, let me know and I'll remove the material. Thank you! For further information, please read the page Privacy Policy, disclaimer, etc..

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• Jump back up to 'share your own provocative, fun motivational articles, stories, sayings & Stuff? Click here.

• You might also like to read something (more or less) related at the page Making Love, or at the page Love, or at the page Letting Go

• Soren, the Personal Development Guy, also has his own blog where he shares his personal experiences, opinions, thoughts and more (like inspirational sayings, motivational phrases, short funny jokes, random funny facts and questions that make you think) at Soren's Blog: Inspirational Thoughts

• To see what has been added to this site recently (plus offers, etc.), check out What's New at

• Soren, the Personal Development Guy, also runs two other websites:
- personal development and spirituality for lazy, fun-loving people

... that's the chocolate and the chewing gum of personal development, self improvement, motivation and spirituality. Easy and entertaining. (a.k.a.
- World's Best and YOUR Best Quotes, Poems & Short Funny Stuff

... that's a quick 'fix' of wisdom and humor. All content is hand picked with an eye for truth - and fun. Also: Share your own wisdom and humor!

• Jump to the Personal Development Guy Homepage

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